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UPDATE: Change of venue for
Public Symposium on Public Private Partnerships in Education


Thank you for confirming your attendance at the public symposium on Public Private Partnerships in Education on 17th October from 4:30pm-6:30pm

As CPUT Mowbray Campus is currently closed, the venue has changed to the Institute for Justice and Reconciliation at 105 Hatfield Street, Cape Town.

We apologise for any convenience this may cause; the change of venue was unfortunately unavoidable.

Please find attached directions to the Institute. You can also find them on Google maps: H2

Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact Nimi Hoffmann or Thomas Salmon

Cell: 071016 7373

Cell: 0607672285

We are looking forward to your participation in what promises to be an excellent set of discussions.

Best regards,
Prof Yusuf Sayed

Director, Centre for International Teacher Education, CPUT

Please join us as part of the audience to enrich public dialogue about public-private partnerships.

The symposium is being hosted at 

Institute for Justice and Reconcilation
Hatfield Street, Gardens, Cape Town

on the

17th of October, 2017 at 16:30pm

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